Home SDG's? Goal Solutions Games

What are SDGs?

An SDG is a Sustainable Development Goal. They are goals made by the U.N. to make the world a better and more sustainable place. There are 17 SDG's and a total of 169 targets, (things to meet an SDG the U.N. wants to get done). Of all of them, energy is the SDG that this project is being done on.

List of SDGs and the descriptions:

#1; No Poverty - Say bye bye to being poor!

#2; Zero Hunger - Getting rid of world hunger.

#3; Good Health and Well-Being - Everyone to be happy and healthy.

#4; Quality Education - Everyone should have acess to a good education.

#5; Gender Equality - Both genders should be equal.

#6; Clean Water and Sanitation - Stay Hydrated!

#7; Clean and Affordable Energy - This is what the presentation is on!

#8; Decent Work and Economic Growth - A good economy is always a good thing.

#9; Industry, innovation and infastructure - We as a civilization need to keep moving forward.

#10; Reduced Inequalities - We should all be equal!

#11; Sustainable Cities and Communites - Make sure that things can last forever.

#12; Responsible Consumption and Production - Produce at least as much as we consume.

#13; Climate Action - We can't just sit back and let climate change happen!

#14; Life Below Water - We can't let pollution destroy entire ecosystems below the sea!

#15; Life on Land - This is just as important as life below the water!

#16; Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions - We need everything to be peaceful and just.

#17; Partnerships for the Goals - People have to work togther to meet the goals.