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This is a very hard problem to solve, but there are a couple of ways to fix it. You can find all of these potential soluations detailed below.



Oil production rates in Argentina have started to decline since 1998, and 90% of Argentina's electricity comes from burning fossil fuels. So in Argentina a goal was set for 8% of energy to be made from renewable energy sources by 2016. Solar energy is starting to be used as another way of getting energy. 200,000 truckloads worth of coal reaches the Earth in the form of solar energy per second, but the issue is that it gets spread out all over the place and is hard to extract. But solar panels and solar cells are able to absorb the energy and do it. To deal with the issue the San Juan province used the San Juan Solar Plant which is like a sunflower, tracking the sun's position in the sky to get energy from it. It isn't much right now, but its getting better everyday.


The oil plantations around the east coast of Saudi Arabia are almost completely out of oil. Experts realized in 2010 that because of this the world may have reached Peak Oil in 2006, and the oil production did start going down after that, and it was directly linked to the oil reverses in Saudi Arabia. And if oil production keeps going down, then it will be the largest economical crisis ever and one of the worst energy crises ever. The three solutions to the problem are using something other than fossil fuels to make energy, using less energy, and using more renewable energy sources. Of course using less energy isn't going to be possible though because the demand for energy is doing nothing but rising. Because of Saudi Arabia being monoculture with oil it started to diversify and make more things including cement and fertilizer. The country even joined the World Trade Organization. And by 2020 10% of the country's energy was from solar power. A city in the Red Sea, called Thuwal, is running completely stable.


Every day, we globally consume 3.6 BILLION gallons of oil. Making and burning fossil fuels, the most popular energy scource, is cheap and easy, but hurts the environment. In Brazil, the 5th most populated country in the world, generates over half of it's energy using fossil fuels. In Brazil, people make biofuels from crops like sugarcane, corn, or soybeans. It can still harm the enviroment, but not as much as fossil fuels. Now lets introduce ethanol. Ethanol is made of sugarcane and is one of the most popular biofuels. Children might be exploited in order for companies and people to sell the most sugar cane possible to power companies. Ethanol isn't all bad though, countries are working together to find more ways to produce ethanol. How do we make more ethanol you ask? Elect presidents (KANYE) and gouvernment that will do good at helping make energy avalable and whom are aware of the effects.



Some laws that could help with this could require there to be a power plant in a certain radius, make the cost of energy extremely small, and make it harder if not illegal to burn fossil fuels.


Some laws that are passed inevitably won't be good laws however. They might be things that make clean energy illegal, or at least super hard and unprofitable. They might also be like Texas and charge people potentially thousands of dollars for what would normally be just a few cents for using an electronic device.


People need to be elected who care about the energy crisis. The people in power need to be able to solve the energy crisis, and there has to be enough of them in important positions to get good laws on energy to be passed. With how crazy the current political spectrum is, it is nearly impossible to even talk about that without controversy, but it has to be done or the energy crisis is never going to be solved. (KANYE 2024)


Of course, none of these sollutions to the energy crisis could be done if you don't speak out. Tell your friends, your family, your neighbors. Share this website, spread the word, help to speak out and get more people's attention. The only way to make change is to get people to know there is going to be change in the first place. So speak out, and make your mark on history.